Blog, Golden Dawn, Hermes, Pagan, Wisdom
as translated by John Everard, 1650
My Thoughts being once seriously busied about the things that are, and my Understanding lifted up, all my bodily Senses being exceedingly holden back, as it is with them that are very heavy of sleep, by reason either of fulness of meat, or of bodily labour.
Me thought I saw one of an exceeding great stature, and an infinite greatness call me by my name, and say unto me, “What wouldest thou Hear and See? or what wouldest thou Understand, to Learn, and Know!”
December 22, 2014 at 2:22 am
Dear sir,
Please help me, regarding me on condition under presure psychology by terrorism ISIS PKS ( partai Moeslem of Indonesia). They terroris ISIS to pressure psychology to any people on departhment for example Education, Industry, goverment and etc, Very danger system thelema colaboration with tradional magic. They are torris ISIS, ICIS, PKS have busines with thelema colaboration black magic local of indonesia. The busine above for using in leader promotion, Marketing, Sales, to kill, commpanye suport president no.2 or same this time of President RI. The condition automatically bad for thelema system in Indonesia and also taken mony from any home people with jinas saeton ( celeng thelema) . Mr. Sugiyanto not have FB group, not like politic will and also not terrorism. Please help to cut down for your have astral to using thelema to Indonesion goverment.Please help me and Ratu Amelia heryani on my detec under presure ISIS PKS terrorism.
December 22, 2014 at 2:23 am
Dear Sir,
Terrorism ISIS support by PKS to Kill people by telema ( magic) and penculikan in the cilegon since 2013-2014My name Mr. Sugiyanto, address SMKN1 Cilegon, of Banten of Indonesia Goverment, I will inform that in the cilegon under presure psychology by telemic magic, on the 2013 me Mr. sugiyanto under execution telemic chinas by terrorism ISIS PKS, until now on the year 2014,also under execution telemic holland cruth by terrorism ISIS PKS( partai keadilan serjahtera). Mr. sugiyanto can do communication with jinas saeton from terroris suplay to mr.sugiyanto, the bodys sugiyanto any defect for material telemic but befor communication the seton christiani install material same dust on the body sugiyanto. Me also open internet but las yaer 2013 sugiyanto not see and resulting on the open internet look of telemic efect. Mr.sugiyanto Not terroris and also not included on the politic run on Indonesan goverment, On the year 2104 Mr. Sugiyanto detect on School to see 1 people nederlan with girl moeslem Inform to may students that they on the ISIS organisation. Many isis organisation run and build on company and also goverment departhment steel exuctionsocial with system telemic, Mr. Sugiyanto on the 2013 year has been aunder hard taken ( penculikan) since 2 days by ISIS PKS terrorism. ISIS PKS terrorism any stay in the bank, sale market company, education, for example corean company( theis telemicer corean) and etc
My think people on the word many on six telema,They people telema six very danger stay in cilegon becauses they are handling to controll many seton to execution social people.
My sugiyanto looking 1 people hooland under orgainsation ISIS PKS terroris go to my school with moeslem pks peolpe ( lampung sumatra) and also me looking Mr. Ram Punjabi ( india, stay in Gajah tunggal SBR companys) under organisation ISIS PKS Terroris.
Mr. sugiyanto since 2013-2014 looked the terrorism stay in near my home( sugiyanto ) the member terrorism a bove, Mr.H. adnan,MPD ( cilegon), Ngadiana. MPd( Cilegon), Jamaludin ( ex TNI /army, Abror Sp.d,Suyono, yanto all terrorism circumferent in the my home and also on the my work site, The metoda terroris on studying by any students in the my school job wor handling by Mr. Ngadiana , Please Australia, Timor- timur, Papua nugini, ,Malaysia and also singapura confius becauses terroris with six telema people member. I am Mr. sugiyanto not terroris and position government employs of teacher electro in high school technology ( SMKN1, Cilegon Kalitimbang) please help me to contact any spiritual to help me ( mr. sugiyanto ) becauses much saeton run on the site cilegon city to exeution to object people, everydays people gfoing to det or memorium.
best regard