Welcome to my new blog-site!
04 Wednesday Sep 2013
Written by Sam Webster in Getting Started, Uncategorized
Pagan, Publishing, setup, site
Here has been collected much of my work that has been on-line, as well as links to the books I’ve published, and other projects. More will be added with time.
Come and have a look around. You might be particularly interested in my brief essay on why I call myself a mage.
I will be posting from here every Wednesday and whenever I have something of interest to offer. My two current blogs, Arkadian Anvil and Pagan Restoration will still live on their respective hosts but but I will post about them and link to them from here.
It is a new site, so if there are any problems do let me know, or just tell me what you think of it.
At the moment I have not figured out how to get comments to work with the pages. I may have to hack the theme, but meanwhile feel free to comment on the blog-stream.
Please subscribe to keep up with the work!
sam webster, m.div, mage
September 4, 2013 at 12:44 pm
September 4, 2013 at 3:21 pm